
Ngorongoro Crater


The famous Ngorongoro lies within Ngorongoro Conservation Area. The conservation area was part of Serengeti National Park until 1959 when the two-wildlife sanctuaries were separated into two different Protected Areas with different conservation statuses. The Ngorongoro Conservation Area Authority was established as a multiple-land use area, the Conservation Authority Area, where wildlife could co-exist with the semi-nomadic Maasai, who move from one place to another in search of water and pasture. The Ngorongoro Conservation Area was therefore established as a multi-purpose protected area that balances residential, pastoralism, conservation, and tourism.

Ngorongoro Crater was formed when a volcano erupted and then collapsed and sunk leaving a huge caldera. The caldera in the Conservation Area host both human being settlement and wildlife including endangered species. The crater has been named the “Garden of Eden” due to the crater’s beautiful landscape, majestic vistas, and animal paradise. This breathtaking caldera stands to be one of the World’s natural wonders.


The Conservation Authority Area has two different seasons that tourists need to be aware of; the dry season which is the best time for a safari experience, and the rainy season when the vegetation is heavy and green with greater pastures. During the rainy season, the grass becomes long and thick therefore spotting wildlife is not easy, especially for predators. These two different seasons make the Crater unique depending on the travel interests.

The dry season is from June to October when the weather is sunny and the vegetation is dry. Expect less dense vegetation in the area during this time. The less-dense plants make spotting wild animals simple as animals have fewer places to hide and can be seen hanging out around the water bodies. During the dry season, you will have a better view of the overall ecosystem of the entire caldera as you will see beautiful scenery with animals roaming freely.

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